God Hand Wiki
Small Fry
Small Fry Profile
HP 74, 96, 118, 170, 192
Height 5'10 (178cm)
Type Henchman
Rank Small Fry
Pummels Suplex
Stages Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 6, Fighting Ring

Small Fries (ザコ Zako) are one of the most basic enemies in God Hand, and are among first enemies to be encountered by Gene in the game, alongside the Bandannas, Gangs, and Small Fry Fatties, as well as the Purple & Green Specters.


They are fair-skinned men with dark brown hair styled into a flat top only on the top of their heads, a goatee, and tattoos on the sides and back of their heads.

They wear a red sleeveless shirt and a tan pair of pants, a pair of suspenders, two pouches attached to their pants by belts, a pair of long fingerless gloves, and a pair of brown leather boots with two belts each on them.


Small Fries are the most basic Henchman in the game, and are among the weakest and easiest to fight.

It should be noted that their moveset is also used by a majority of Henchmen, although the Leaders have unique special moves.

The exceptions to this are the bandanna wearing henchmen as well as the Gang and Kanabō Men henchmen, who use a hard-hitting street fighting style, and the Kung Fu and Kung Fu Leaders, who use Snake Kung Fu.

The Mohawk and Mohawk Leaders also use their moveset, but with the addition of some new kicking moves.



  • Hop-Back: A Small Fry hops backwards after pushing Gene away when he attacks one while they are blocking.

Basic Moves[]

  • Jab: A Small Fry pulls his right hand back and preforms a simple jab.
  • Heavy Kick: A Small Fry throws an upward aiming kick.
  • Uppercut: A Small Fry preforms an uppercut with his left hand.
  • Double Snap Kick: A Small Fry walks towards Gene and preforms a knee strike with his left leg, and a kick with his right while hopping. They only use this move when the Difficulty Level is on Lv. 3.
  • Spinning Backfist: A Small Fry twirls around with a closed fist, trying to hit Gene with the back of it. As with the Double Snap Kick, they only preform this when the Difficulty Level is on Lv. 3.
  • Kneestrike Roundhouse: A Small Fry does a knee strike, then a Roundhouse kick. They only use this move in Stage 6 in the Psychic Midget Battle.
  • Retaliatory Sweep Kick: A Small Fry hops over a low-hitting attack from Gene and preforms a standing sweep kick in response.

Special Moves[]

  • Suplex Grab: A Small Fry lunges forwards and tries to grab Gene for a suplex, and if succesful, will hold him as he tries to suplex Gene, allowing him to counter it by rapidly wiggling the L-Stick to the sides.
  • Nil Combo: A Small Fry preforms a series of four rapid punches, then does a roundhouse kick, like their superiors, the Small Fry Leaders. They most commonly do this after pushing Gene back when blocking, but can rarely preform this freely.


  • They have no way to hurt you if you duck constantly, due to lacking low hitting attacks completely, and their Suplex Grab can be dodged with a backflip, or countered if they do actually grab you. Because of this, they can be used to build your Tension Gauge.




  • "You're not Alexander!" ~ Taunt 1
  • "I'm Alexander the Great!" ~ Taunt 2
  • (Evil Laugh) ~ Taunt 3
  • "What're ya, nervous!" ~ Taunt 4
  • "Come on!" ~ Taunt 5
  • "Damn!" ~ Enraged 1
  • "Die Already!" ~ Enraged 2
  • "Die!" ~ Battle Cry


Types of Henchmen
Small Fries (Pg. 1) Small FryBandannaGangMohawkMecha-Man
Small Fries (Pg. 2) Beard BandannaKung Fu
Leaders (Pg. 1) Small Fry LeaderKanabō ManMohawk LeaderZebra
Leaders (Pg. 2) Mecha-Man LeaderBandanna LeaderOrange Leader
Leaders (Pg. 3) Kung Fu LeaderBlack LeaderTiger JoeBartender